Jill K
5 months
40 – 50 pairs

Ever since the time long ago when I saw that anorexic whippet, Pamela Anderson, frolicking along a Californian beach in them, I’ve simply longed for UGGS. Sadly, being the wrong side of 50 and equally (and by quite some margin) the wrong side of 8 stone, I really didn’t feel I could indulge my heart’s desire without looking more than a little silly. I’ve even stood in the duty-free area at airports, stroking the said UGGS and wrestling with my wiser self, trying to talk myself back from temptation of spending a King’s ransom on something I really couldn’t be seen out in without inciting much pointing and laughing. Anyway, long story short, a young friend of mine who lives in Melbourne contacted me last November. She was desperate to obtain some toys for her children, which did not seem to be available in OZ. We located them in good old John Lewis and had them sent to my address for onward transportation to her in time for Christmas. They were ordered and, being quite bulky, the parcels cost a fair amount to dispatch so when the final sum ws added up it was quite a lot of dosh. Now, I don’t have an Australian dollar account so my friend asked me if there was anything she could get and send by way of reparation…Dryzabone jacket, other assorted Aussie goods…UGGS. My heart skipped a beat…and you know the rest of the story…Here they are!!! They’ve made a sad, middle-aged lady, very happy. (Even if she doesn’t really wear them out of the house in daylight.)

from Significant Shoes