ECHO Ouyang
Geotechnical Engineer
Echo Ouyang, 34, is a Project Manager at Cementation Skanska a subsidiary of Skanska AB, the Swedish multi-national construction and development company. Cementation is an internationally recognised, highly specialist piling and ground engineering subcontractor. Echo is currently responsible for constructing 74 rotary piles which will support the new Underground station at Battersea Power Station.
The rotary piles are the foundation of most large constructions and their structural integrity is essential to support the building as everything else sits on top of them. Echo works within a large team but is ultimately responsible for the day to day, on-site decisions of a highly skilled group of 12 people who bore the holes and then fill them with reinforced concrete.
Echo has a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Cambridge. Previously, she studied civil engineering at the China University of Geosciences, Beijing and an MA from Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea